Tips for Library Patrons

  1. Don’t just follow your library, talk to them
  2. If a librarian does something well, tweet about it
  3. Offer suggestions for material
  4. Tweet about activities that you and your family enjoy

Following your library shows that you support your library.  Talk to your librarians on Twitter, engage other library patrons, use Twitter to set up book group meetings or to share movie suggestions.  Treat Twitter as an extension of your library’s services, because that is exactly what it is ~ reference help in 140 characters or less.

Tips for Libraries

  1. Follow your patrons back
  2. Respond to their concerns
  3. Update your status often
  4. Promote your events

These may seem like no~brainer tips but I’ve seen plenty of libraries that simply follow other libraries and don’t actively engage anyone.  Twitter is a quick and easy way for libraries to keep their patrons up~to~date on what’s happening in the library.  So don’t just ask them to follow you for one day, keep them engaged forever.

For more information go to Follow a Library and follow them on Twitter.