18 August: Show us how you are practicing #activeliving today

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

This is how I live active: breathe. Deeply.

19 August: #ActiveLiving is for life! What part of the future are you most excited for?!

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

I’m most excited about the future with The Hubs. We plan to hook an Airstream up to the hitch on the back of my truck and travel the U.S.

20 August: Share a photo of you getting sweaty with your favorite workout!

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

When things get hard, I need to clear my head, or I just want to be alone, I run. I run towards my faith. I run towards my God.

21 August: What’s a short-term goal you’ve set for yourself?

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

Get my eating under control so I can actually lose weight instead of just maintaining it.

22 August: Favorite healthy snack

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}


23 August: Share your favorite #lornajane clothing piece from Lorna Jane

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

Totally digging these running tights. Too bad they don’t have anymore in my size.

24 August: Your favorite part of #ActiveLiving

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach {Living Outside the Stacks}

My favorite part of #activeliving is the connection between my body and my spirit. Running allows me to throw off the things that keep my mind, body, and spirit bogged down and focus on the most important prize: eternal life with my savior.


As a whole, this challenge has been crazy fun and I’m sorry to see it come to an end. I’ve found creative ways to represent the prompts on Instagram and I’ve met some inspiring people like The Fit Switch, Exploring Domesticity, and Fitty Duck 13.

I think my two biggest takeaways from this challenge are:

  • #ActiveLiving doesn’t have an expiration date: it’s a way of life
  • I really need to do something active every day: it improves my entire being

About the Active Living Challenge

The #ActiveLivingChallenge with Lorna Jane is an Instagram/Twitter challenge hosted by Fit Approach to celebrate #BlogFest. This is an opportunity for participants to share what active living means to them. Participants are encouraged to be creative with their pictures and share them wit friends and family.

#ActiveLivingChallenge with #LornaJane and #FitApproachParticipants are asked to post pictures of themselves that reflect that day’s inspiration. And, at the end of each week, write a reflective post on that week’s challenges.

The contest runs from 4~24 August 2014. The grand prize winner of the challenge will receive $500 to shop at #LornaJane.

You can see other participants’ pictures by checking out the hashtags #ActiveLivingChallenge, #FitApproach, or #LornaJane.

I’m linking up with Move Nourish Believe and Lorna Jane. Feel free to visit Fit Approach on Facebook.

How do you live active?
Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}



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