Style Imitating Art Invitation {living outside the stacks}

Hi, this is just a short post to introduce next week’s Style Imitating Art inspiration piece.


Two Acrobats with a Dog by Pablo Picasso {WikiArt Public Domain}

Two Acrobats with a Dog by Pablo Picasso {The image is from the WikiArts domain collection}

This painting was chosen by Salazar because “…of the blue tones (even though it’s actually from Picasso’s Rose Period) and the dog (of course), and the harlequin pattern is also an interesting detail.” Hmmmm, this one is gonna be a tough one for me. I don’t think I own anything any of those shades…

You can read more about the painting here.

On a related note, this is the second Rose Period painting in the Style Imitating Art catalog. You can see Salazar’s interpretation here.


Everyone’s invited to participate! Send a picture of your Style Imitating Art inspired outfit to Salazar at by Tuesday, 19 June. She will share the submissions on her blog, 14 Shades of Grey on Wednesday, 20 June. You don’t have to be a blogger, a photographer, or an instagrammer to join! You just have to love clothes.

Hope you’ll join the fun!

For more stylish inspiration, check out the following:

Where I co-host:

Ageless Style – First Tuesday of the Month

Style Imitating Art – Inspiration piece posted on Mondays with the round-up on Wednesdays

Now go play in your closet,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}