Whimsical Horse Print Dress

Have you ever had a day when absolutely nothing in your closet feels right? Like you go through ten or twelve outfits and nothing’s comfortable ~ too tight, too lose, too long, too short, etc. That was my day on Sunday. The Hubs took one look at the pile of clothes on the floor, sighed…

Dress Over Jeans for Work

Let’s give it up for jobs that don’t have dress codes! When I first re~entered the work force, I remember wanting a job that required business casual attire: skirt, hose, and pumps. It made me feel all grown up, you know, after years of wearing nothing but oversized tees, scrunchies, and sweat pants. Hey, it…

An Original by Joy: Handmade Prairie Skirt and Lace-Up Boots

Do you see what I see? Yes, it’s sunlight! Can you believe it? I think everyone in Southeast Missouri was alternately confused and excited by that beaming ball of warmth ~ it’s been so long since we’ve seen it. It was nice being able to go outside and take pictures without having to worry about…

Flowers in Winter {In the Closet}

I’m tired of the cold. I’m tired of the dark. I’m tired of everything. I need warmth. I need light, specifically, sunlight. All of this winter is seriously starting to affect my mood. And not for the better… You will never understand the number of pictures it took to get that quasi~smile in the first…

5 Things I’m Sorry My Kids Will Never Experience {In the Family Room}

Do you remember playing outside until the street lights came on? Or sliding down a metal sliding board at the peak of summer? Riding in the back of station wagons without the benefit of seat belts? Ahhhh, those were the good ol’ days. We were hard core. We survived! Too bad our kids will never…

The Big Chop {About Me}

I did it. The Big Chop. All of my hair is gone. I’m not sure if it’s liberation or panic that I feel. Probably a little bit of both. Two years ago, I started transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It wasn’t a political statement, it was more of a I~don’t~feel~like~bending~over~that~tub~to~wash~that~stuff~out~of~my~hair kinda thing. Or call…