For More Information About Friday Five, Click the Picture

The Friday Five is hosted by Kate’s Library and provides and opportunity for bloggers to share five interesting blog posts they’ve read during the week.  To play along, do the following:

  1. Pick up the meme’s badge here
  2. Tell us about the posts or articles you want to share
  3. Share the bloggy love and make sure you link to the articles/posts
  4. Leave a comment with the author letting them know that you linked them to the Friday Five

In no particular order, here are the posts/articles I found interesting this week:

  • A week ago, I had to deal with my daughter being bullied in school, thankfully, the school handled it well but I still needed to teach my daughter how to handle bullying.  Mocha Dad had a guest post called Dealing with Bullies, that offered insightful advice.
  • Do you need a good laugh?  Read anything at Just Another Day with Mrs. TDJ.  Seriously, I can’t pick just one post ~ everything she says has me rolling on the floor.
  • I love seeing the world through other people’s eyes, so I was thrilled when I found out about this blog called A View from Your Desk.  The blog features pictures submitted by librarians showing the view from their desks.
  • I’m a big time conspiracy theorist with a big interest in privacy issues and the government (I know you can’t tell since I’m all over the webs).  But this article on TG Daily about medicine implanted with chips totally freaked me out and has all sorts of thoughts flowing through my head (some I’ll share in a later post).
  • I’ve made some amazing connections online and I’ve often wondered what would happen is something happened to them or to me, how would we find out?  So I put a plan in place that I’ve shared with my husband, here’s the post that I wrote about it called If I Died, How Would You Know?

Do you have some interesting posts or news articles that you’d like to share?