I’ve always wanted to do a Day in the Life photography project but I’ve never felt that I can really pull it off because I don’t lead an exciting life, nor do I have little people running around to break up the monotony and add to the creativity. But this morning, that all changed. I had the day off today {because I worked the weekend}, so I decided to just give it a try. I didn’t stick with anything formal like shooting every hour or at a specific time, I just opted to pick my camera up whenever the mood struck…

A Day Off {living outside the stacks}

Morning coffee on my day off…

Hanging with These Guys {living outside the stacks}

Conversation and a bit of side eye…

 Waiting for USPS {living outside the stacks}

Waiting on USPS like…

Cruising {living outside the stacks}


Passing My Kid {living outside the stacks}

It’s always weird when I pass one of my kids driving. Even if it’s just in the driveway…

Cool Shoes {living outside the stacks}

My package didn’t arrive but hers did. How cute are those shoes?

Candy Stash {living outside the stacks}

M&M’s. My weakness…

Cooking Dinner {living outside the stacks}

I haven’t cooked since the girls have been home from college…

 Pre Dinner Laughs {living outside the stacks}

Pre~Dinner laughs with this guy…

Dinner is Served {living outside the stacks}

Dinner is served…

Laundry Duty {living outside the stacks}

It never ends. Even on my day off…

Good Night {living outside the stacks}

He’s not supposed to sleep in our room, but he thinks if he’s very quiet we won’t see him…

So why do this? It’s just a fun way of stretching the photography muscles and having memories of a day in my life. And it reminds me of when my library friends and I used to participate in Library Day in the Life, a fun project that showed what librarians do all day. I also learned a few things about photography, which is the whole point of these exercises:

  • I need to work on getting the settings correct for my white balance; I hate the yellow cast to the indoor shots
  • Not being locked into a shooting schedule really works for me
  • Everyone’s life is unique and having {or not having} small people or furry critters doesn’t make my day any less interesting
  • A simple day off can lead to a fun photography project

How do you record your memories?


Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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