The worldwide effort to combat manmade global warming is history’s most far~reaching hoax. In The Global~Warming Deception, Grant R. Jeffrey documents the orchestrated campaign of political pressure, flawed science, and falsified data ~ all orchestrated to sell an environmental lie and bring the West to its knees.
United Nations agencies use the threat of rising ocean levels, crop failure, expanding deserts, and the extinction of species to convince western nations to surrender their sovereignty. As these developments play out, we see the globalists consolidating their power.
In The Global~Warming Deception, you will find proof that:
- Laws and regulations to reduce carbon emissions are designed to destroy the free~enterprise system and drain wealth from western nations.
- The religion of eco~fundamentalism denies the existence of God and substitutes in His place the worship of the earth.
- The coming economic collapse, hastened by global~warming laws, will lead to international chaos. A one~world government will be presented as the solution, followed by the arrival of the Antichrist.
Your liberty is at stake. Now is the time to learn all you can about the socialist~Marxist elite that is advancing the false threat of global warming ~ the most deadly deception in history.
Grant R. Jeffrey is the internationally acclaimed author of Shadow Government, Countdown to Apocalypse, The Next World War and more than twenty other books. Recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on prophecy and apologetics, Jeffrey appears frequently on television and radio. His popular TV program Bible Prophecy Revealed is carried on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. He and his wife, Kaye, live near Toronto, where they serve in full~time ministry.
Website: Grant R. Jeffrey Ministries
I had a difficult time getting into this book. I’m not sure if it’s because environmentalism isn’t of interest to me or if it was the Jeffrey’s writing style. That being said, I do understand the thesis of his book which is that environmentalists have become so intent on preserving Earth that they are pushing people to the side and creating an opening for the usurpation of American sovereignty to environmental agencies. These environmental agencies are creating laws that threaten to undermine the financial stability of the United States, which Jeffrey believes will lead to the ultimate ruin of America.
As a believer in the word of God, I see where Jeffrey draws his inspiration and I fully endorse his arguments, I just wish the writing was a little less dry.
Disclosure: This book was provided to me free of charge through Waterbrook Mulnomah’s Blogging for Books program in exchange for a review. This does not in any way influence my review.