Coffee Talk {living outside the stacks}

I’d like to welcome you to Coffee Talk. In case you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And, who knows, there may even be a recipe thrown in here or there just for fun.

So grab a cup of coffee {or tea or whatever floats your boat} and let’s talk…

Prince is dead. I woke up this morning with that realization and, yet, there was a small part of me that kept thinking this can’t be true. I grew up in a household where listening to secular music wasn’t just frowned upon, it was forbidden. So the only time that I heard secular music was at school. And it was at school that I first heard Prince. I didn’t like him. His music, his lyrics, his looks, everything about him was so very foreign to me. He was everything we had been warned against in church. Given my rebellious nature, you’d think that would be the very reason that I would’ve been drawn to him.

Many years later, I was in a little café and I heard The Most Beautiful Girl in the World and I was like WHO IS THIS SINGING? I asked one of the waitresses and she said “Prince.” I flashed back to that tiny little guy who looked like a woman singing about someone named Nikki and thought, it can’t be. I immediately went to a record store {we had those back then} and bought The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. The single. I was still too scared to listen to any of his other music.

Skip ahead many years and my first email address was curiouschild. My screen name in the early days of social media was some variation of curiouschild. I had become a Prince fan and the owner of several {full length versions} of his CDs.

Truth be told, I haven’t listened to his music in years. I had to stop listening to him. There’s something weird about little kids singing Prince lyrics. Something weird and deeply disturbing. However, they did know the words to “Starfish and Coffee” courtesy of the Muppets.

This morning, my thoughts turned more sobering. To something more eternal. I won’t judge Prince. I’m not the one. But I will say, this post best explains my thoughts and feelings on the sobering reality of not just the passing of this great artist, but on my own mortality and forever after. I pray that you take time to reflect and consider where you’ll spend eternity. Tomorrow is not promised but forever is.

So, talk to me, what’s going on in your world,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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