Coffee Talk: Libraries are More Than Books
Fox Chicago News recently asked “Are Libraries Necessary, or a Waste of Tax Money?” Really? The article by Anna Davlantes goes on to talk about how libraries “eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars” and as proof of the irrelevancy of libraries, an undercover camera crew recorded library visitors for an hour. During…
Coffee Talk: Memories of Michael Jackson
My daughter is now a big fan of Michael Jackson’s, isn’t it crazy how an artist transcends generations?
Coffee Talk: Birds and High Seas
For information about Abby Sunderland, click here
Coffee Talk: That Huggies Commercial Creeps Me Out!
Click here to see the Huggies commercial. Don’t forget to leave me a comment letting me know what you think? Am I being too sensitive or is the commercial slightly skeevy?
Introducing Coffee Talk
A little over a year ago a friend of mine from high school contacted me and, after catching up, he said he was surprised to find me living such “a suburban lifestyle.” When I asked him to explain, he said he always thought that I’d be living in the middle of a jungle somewhere reporting…