Book Review: Rooms: A Novel by James L. Rubart

“What would you find if you walked into the rooms of your soul?”  Micah literally finds out when he inherits a home built especially for him by his great uncle, Archie.  Micah is a software tycoon who has it all ~ fame, fortune, and a beautiful girlfriend who loves him, yet something is missing…  And…

Book Review: The Revolutionary Paul Revere by Joel J. Miller

Have you ever wondered about the back story of one of America’s greatest revolutionary heroes?  Then  The Revolutionary Paul Revere by Joel J. Miller is the book for you.  It’s an irreverent look at an American hero who always seemed to be in the thick of things. The book is a quick and easy read…

Book Review: True Colors by Kristin Hannah

I’ve just finished reading True Colors by Kristin Hannah and all I can say is, I wish there were more…  I’ve been a fan of  Hannah’s since I read her book, Firefly Lane, a few years back because her books always leave me thinking and challenging myself to do more. Set on a picturesque horse farm…

Book Review: The Gospel According to Lost by Chris Seay

To say that Lost is a phenomenon would be an understatement. Over the last 6 seasons, I’ve watched and listened as viewers have followed the trials of their favorite island castaways and with the final season just beginning, it seemed appropriate for me to review The Gospel According to Lost by Chris Seay. As many…

Book Review: Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer

Broken Angel is set in the future where the United States has been divided in 2: the United States, a secular nation, and Appalachia, a land run by religious fundamentalists. In Appalachia, reading is a crime, citizens are drugged and those who break the laws are sent to slave labor camps. At the center of…

Book Review: Sweetsmoke by David Fuller

Sweetsmoke is the story of Cassius Howard, a secretly literate slave, and his desire to find justice for his murdered friend, Emoline Justice. Emoline was a free black woman who served as surrogate mother and mentor to Cassius while he was recovering from a severe beating. Using his cunning and the limited freedoms granted to…