Style Imitating Art {The Roundup}: Monkey from Quadrupeds Series

  Welcome to the roundup post for this week’s Style Imitating Art, where you get to see all the various interpretations of the inspiration piece. This is my first time curating Style Imitating Art and  hosting the roundup, so I want to thank everyone who participated. STYLE IMITATING ART INSPIRATION Monkey from Quadrupeds series (N41) for…

Style Imitating Art: Monkey from Quadrupeds Series

  Welcome to another week of Style Imitating Art, where we draw our style inspiration from works of art. This week’s selection was curated by yours truly. STYLE IMITATING ART INSPIRATION Monkey from Quadrupeds series (N41) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, The Met, circa 1890 {public domain} I selected the inspiration piece for this round…

Style Imitating Art Inspiration: Monkey from Quadrupeds Series

INSPIRATION ART WORK Monkey from Quadrupeds series (N41) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, The Met, circa 1890 {public domain} I selected the inspiration piece for this round of Style Imitating Art. This lithograph is from a set of cards that were used to promote Allen & Ginter brand cigarettes. This image is from The Met’s public…

How to Create a Blog Signature Using PicMonkey {Tip Tuesday}

So a few weeks ago I talked about how I wanted to spruce things up for Autumn because, well, I just don’t have the insert whatever word here to decorate my house. My original plan was to simply update my profile picture isn’t it cute? but that led to me updating my Twitter profile, which carried…

How to Create a Watermark Using PicMonkey {In the Dark Room}

I’m not a professional photographer, but I play one on my blog. Hahahaha I kill me. The hubs says I’m only funny to myself and the girl I shared a uterus with {that would be my twin sister} but I think I’m hilarious. Anyway, for the longest time, I’ve been “watermarking” my images by typing…

Women of Faith Wednesday: Miracles and Monkeys

Today’s Women of Faith Wednesday question is “Have you experienced any miracles in your life?”  Ummm, does the fact that I’m actually writing this post on a Wednesday count? Seriously, I would have to say that my entire life has been a series of miracles.  My twin sister and I were born just after my…

How I Stay Organized with Artful Agenda {Digital Planner Review}

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. I have always…

13|52: Circles

I’m still a bit behind because, well, life. So, pardon me while I play catch up… Magnolias are my favorite flowers. There’s something mysterious and sensual about them. PHOTO INFO Nikon D850, 50mm 1/8000 | f/1.8 | ISO 100 THE STORY In addition to serving at the director of library services, I also take photos…

12|52: My Town

I’m still a bit behind because, well, life. So, pardon me while I play catch up… Quirky neighbors greeting me as I walk between the campuses. PHOTO INFO Nikon D850, 50mm 1/800 | f/1.8 | ISO 100 THE STORY In addition to serving at the director of library services, I also take photos for the…