Word Filled Wednesday

And it was good.

For the past few days, God has been dealing with me about the power of the tongue (truth be told, He’s been dealing with me and this issue for more than a few days) but the other day, it finally hit me…

Genesis 1:3 says that God said let there be light and there was light. He didn’t go through a long creative process, He simply spoke and it was. And it was good. That is power.  Jesus spoke and blinded eyes were opened. That is power.

And as children of God, we also have that same power in our speech. We have the power to heal and to hurt. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) says: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” I want my words, thoughts and actions to bring beauty.

I want Him to say about works “It was good.”

I’m linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions for Word Filled Wednesday and Katie Lloyd Photography for Scripture & a Snapshot.