Coffee Talk {living outside the stacks}

I’d like to welcome you to Coffee Talk. If you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And, who knows, there may even be a recipe thrown in here or there just for fun.

So grab a cup of coffee {or tea or whatever floats your boat} and let’s talk…

Yesterday morning, The Hubs and I went and did our civic duty: we voted. I have to say, this is the first time since I first started voting that I’ve walked out of the booth feeling like I had let America down. I stood in that cubicle, wishing, hoping, and praying, that the two names on the ballot would magically change. But there they both were: mocking me. I won’t say who I voted for but I will say that I’m so happy to know that no matter who wins, God’s got it.

I’ve been thinking about what I’d like to do with this blog in the coming year… Honestly, I think it’s that end of year introspection that we all do. Anyway, is there anything that you’d like for me to write about? Questions you’d like for me to answer? Topics you want to discuss? Nothing’s off limits. I do know that I want this to me more than a space about self promotion… I want this to be a space where we share ideas and learn about the world around us. Although a blog isn’t the best place for dialogue, I think it’s a great place to get the topic going and then, you know, we can continue the discussion over on Facebook. Anyway, give me a yell and let me know what you think.

I do know in the new year {even though I know I don’t have to wait until then}, I’d like to do some sort of bible study. I think it’d be kinda fun for us to do one together, I’m just not sure of the logistics. Maybe we can all pick a bible study, read, and discuss on Facebook? I just know I need to connect with God and I need to connect with others who love Him. I promise, if we do this, it’ll work out so much better than the book group did. :-)

Anyway, I guess that’s it for now…

Sipping my coffee while you talk,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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