As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support.

Join Me for Coffee {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram

I know, I know, it has been a minute. Y’all, life has been lifing lately and I haven’t really felt like doing much more than the bare necessity to make it day-to-day. But I think I’m back. Or, at least, I hope I’m back. Some of the challenges of the past few months have either eased up or gone away, so yay!

Anyway, I thought I’d write a quick, but photo heavy post to share some of the things that I’ve been working on lately. I’d love to know what you’ve been up to, leave a comment letting me know what life’s been like in your neck of the woods.

Life Lately {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 002

What I’ve Been Working On

In addition to my role as the director of library services at our local technical college, I also serve as the social media coordinator. My responsibilities include librarianing, taking pictures at college events, monitoring our social media channels, and carrying out any other assignments the chancellor, vice chancellor, or System have for me.

About six months or so ago, our college {along with the other colleges in our system} was given grant money to update our branding. When I wrote the application for the grant, I dreamed big for our college: updated video branding, mascot costumes for all five campuses, new signage for our campuses, etc. Once the funds were in hand and I started looking at the cost of things, reality set in.

Furthermore, I had no idea where to start when looking for film companies, mascot makers, and sign producers. I mean, I’m a librarian and I know how to look these things up, but when you’re dealing with the state, things are waaaaay different. Fortunately, our system was understanding and they recommended companies for us to work with — companies that have already been vetted and fit the parameters of state purchases.

After meeting with the college’s leadership team, we decided to focus on updating our branding videos and buying mascot costumes for our campuses.

For the videos, we worked with MediaPost, a media company based out of Lake Charles, Louisiana. For months, before they arrived on campus, Chris {the owner} and I were in constant contact regarding the video concept, scripts, scheduling, and more. Once Chris and his team arrived on campus, I was even more impressed with the professionalism, the efficiency with which they worked, and the patience they showed me when I had questions about something or had to do a quick change for whatever reason.

Here are a few behind-the-scenes photos from the filming:

College Branding Video BTS 001 {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram


College Branding Video BTS 002 {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram


College Branding Video BTS 003 {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram


College Branding Video BTS 005 {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram


College Branding Video BTS 004 {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram

I’ll share the Bobcat mascot in a later post, as he hasn’t arrived yet.

What I’ve Been Wearing

I’ve been wearing a lot of easy pieces lately because, full transparency, I’ve put on some weight, so I’m wearing what fits and feels comfortable. That being said, I’m still sticking with the color and quirk that has become my signature style.

Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 001

This Gonna Shine Maxi by Kantha Bae is, hands down, one of my favorite dresses, not just because it fits but because it’s just so effortless. It can be worn as I’ve styled it with a denim vest and long sleeve tee with ankle boots or with a chunky turtle neck sweater  or a tank. It’s just so easy. And all the colors means you have lots of options for “goes with colors” because we know how I feel about being all matchy-matchy.

Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 002


Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 003

I’ve had this necklace for years, but I don’t wear it nearly enough. Every time I bring it out, I’m reminded of why I bought it: it’s fun.

Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 004

And, of course, I’ve added a ton of bracelets and a chunky ring because they go with everything.

Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 005


Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 006


Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 007


Denim Vest Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi and Boots {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram 008

Earrings: Similar | Necklace: Similar | Ring: Similar | Denim Vest: Similar | Tee-Shirt: Similar | Dress: Kantha Bae Gonna Shine Maxi, Similar  | Boots: Similar

Sizing: I’m 5’4″ and a dress size 12 to 14 {L, XL}. I wear a size 9.5 shoe.

What I’ve Been Listening To

I’ve been listening to What a Day Podcast for the last few months. I enjoy it because I get headline news with in-depth analysis and a side of snark, which makes my morning commute so much better. Over the last few weeks, there’ve been some host changes, so I’m still adjusting to the new format.

What I’ve Been Reading

Along with listening to the above podcast, I’m back to listening to my audiobooks. I recently finished The Teacher by Frieda McFadden and read by Leslie Howard and Danny Montooth. A few weeks ago, this book was trending on Tik Tok because of the ick factor and, honestly, none of the booktokkers were wrong…

This book had me skeeved for so many reasons. But what really got me was that I was actually sympathetic and rooting for the main character until the end — then I went back to ewwww. I’ll write a full review soon.

I’m currently listening to Home Is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose and narrated by January LaVoy, Cassandra Campbell, Brittany Pressley, and Andrew Eiden.

Initially, I’d planned to DNF this book but I’m so happy I didn’t. Beth, Michael, and Nicole are three of the most unsympathetic main characters ever, but after getting thisclose to finishing the story I can see why. There were more twists and turns than a mountain road… I don’t want to give too much away but you’ll be asking some serious questions about the depths of your love for your children, the strength of your marriage, and how many secrets one person can carry.

And Everything In Between

On 18 September I started a 10,000 Steps A Day Challenge. I saw a lot of ladies that I follow on Tik Tok doing the challenge and they were talking about how much better they feel and how they’ve been able to lose weight and tone up, so I thought Why not? On my Tik Tok, I share my step journey along with my thoughts on whatever audiobook I’m listening to at the time.

Since starting the challenge, I’ve lost a little over 2 lbs and a few inches. Walking daily has forced me to be more aware of what I’m putting into my body because the last thing I want to do is have an upset tummy mid walk, ya know? I’m also sleeping better and enjoying those thirty to forty-five minutes of “Me Time.” I also purchased a mini stepper for days when I can’t get outside. I can only do 10 or 15 minutes on that thing before my thighs start burning, but it’s amazing. I’ll write a product review after I’ve had it for a month.

What About You, What Have You Been Up To?

I’d love to read your answer, please share in the comments below.


As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support.


Life Lately {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you like what you read, please consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share on Pinterest. While I pay for many of the items I share on this blog out of my own pocket, some items are gifted to me {I always disclose those items}.

Come back soon,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}




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