Brown Sneakers {Shoe Style Saturday}

Hi! Welcome to my space on the web, I hope you’ll join me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. This picture was taken outside the hotel in Columbia, Missouri where I stayed while at an ebook retreat. The shoes are scuffy ol’ sneaks that I usually only wear when I’m traveling or working around the house. They’re not particularly…

Against the Wall {This or That Thursday}

This week I hit a brick wall creatively. All the photography memes have fallen to the wayside. And I have nothing left to say. I don’t know if it’s seasonal melancholy. What happened to the springlike weather I was bragging about just last week? Or if I just need to put the camera down and…

Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! I’m in the Top 5!

Last week I submitted the above picture for Shoot. Edit. Submit., a photography meme/challenge that’s hosted by Misty and Kim at Through a Photographer’s Eyes and my picture was chosen to be in the top 5. How crazy cool is that? I mean, seriously, how crazy cool is that? Please do me a favor and…

ABCs of Me

Google Friend Connect is disappearing soon, but I’d love for us to stay together. You can read my blog in your favorite reader through my RSS feed, join the conversation on Facebook or chat with me on Twitter. Make sure you give a shout out and let me know you’re there! Y’all know I love…

Word Filled Wednesday: Your Light Will Break Forth

I started participating in the Word Filled Wednesday meme as a way to share my faith with others in the hopes that hearts would be touched and, perhaps, others will think about their relationship with Christ. I have accepted Christ as my personal savior and I believe that it is only through Him that we…

Yarn Along

This morning when I woke up the air was crisp, I welcome break from the triple degree weather we had when we first moved here and the high 90s that have dogged us for the last few weeks.  Can you tell I’m a sweater weather girl?  I love my cardis, so warm and cozy, they…

Crazy Days of Summer: Yellow

JOIN ME FOR SHOE STYLE SATURDAY It’s a fun meme all about shoes. For more information, click here. I’m not a gardener but somehow these beauties have managed to grow.  They look like little bursts of sunshine, I smile every time I see them… PS I’ll have one of my favorite yellow items posted tomorrow, so…

Crazy Days of Summer: Water

JOIN ME FOR SHOE STYLE SATURDAY It’s a fun meme all about shoes. For more information, click here. Frances Slocum State Park A few weeks ago, the hubs suggested that we drive to the lake and take some pictures.  This was one of the best ideas he’d had in a long time.  The lake was incredibly…

Wordless Wednesday: Gazebo

JOIN ME FOR SHOE STYLE SATURDAY It’s a fun meme all about shoes. For more information, click here. Gazebo in the backyard of a house I took this while walking with my daughters along the Back Mountain Trail For more Wordless Wednesday check out: Harriet and Friends live and love…out loud NYC Single Mom Pinke…

Shoe Style Saturday on Sunday

Normally, Shoe Style Saturday is on Saturday but I was unable to post yesterday due to the passing of my aunt.  I’m posting the meme today and I hope that those of you who were looking for the meme on Saturday will participate today. Thank you for your support and understanding…. To participate in Shoe Style…