Yellow {living outside the stacks}

My Thursdays are crazy hectic. I wake up at 5:45 am to get ready for my 8 am class. Yeah, seriously. And I still barely make it on time. I know. Right after class, I head home to grab a bite to eat, let Squeekerz out, and caffeinate. Then I mentally prepare myself for the evening shift. Evening shift isn’t bad, it’s just hard when you see everyone else going home and you wanna leave too

My day ends at 9 pm, but not really. Usually, when I get home I’m still so wound up from the day that I end up putzing around until after 11 pm. And almost immediately after I hit the sheets, it’s time to wake up and get ready to go to work again.

Do you have a long day? How do you get through it?

I’m participating in a 52 Week Project with Lashawn from Everyday Eyecandy. If you’d like to join or follow along on Instagram, use the hashtag #eyecandyproject52.

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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