Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you had a pleasant weekend. I spent mine in bed, courtesy of my daughter and her cootie passing. But I’m on the mend and thought doing a little photo hunting might help get the blood pumping.

So here they are, my finds for this week’s Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

1. Facial Feature

Facial Feature

This is from my archives. I’m sick, there’s no way I’m posting any of my dripping dropping facial features and no one in my family would pose for me.

2. Shadow


I took this in front of my house after we returned from church. Maaaan, I just love how long my legs look. 

3. Spicy


Crushed red peppers. I use it in just about everything. 

4. Gold


A glass perfume bottle that one of my previous bosses bought for me during one of his trips to Egypt.

5. Fabric


Many years ago, I used to collect Barbies. This is one of my three Byron Lars Barbies. I treasure them because of the rich looking fabrics and exotic color schemes that Lars used.

I’m linking up with Ashley at Ramblings and Photos for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. Here are the “rules” if you’d like to join in:Scavenger Hunt Sunday

  1. Take a photo of each prompt {if you have to dig into your archives, it’s OK but the pictures should be relatively new}
  2. Link to the URL of the blog post, not your main blog
  3. Grab the button
  4. Visit some of the other participants and leave some comment love

Next week’s prompts are:

  1. Love
  2. Duplicated
  3. Trend or Trending
  4. Paper
  5. Plastic

How was your weekend?