5 tips for updating your profile picture {Living Outside the Stacks}

What is it about Autumn that makes people think pumpkins belong in everything? It does not. Pumpkins are good for three things: decorating, making pies, and describing a shade of orange. That is all.

deep cleansing breath

I have issues with pumpkin mania but that has absolutely nothing to do with this post except that the insanity starts in Autumn and Autumn makes me wanna change everything…

Usually, I focus the changing on things like my closet. You know, organizing my collection of cardis, checking my tights for runs, etc. But this year, I decided to do something a little different. I decided to update my profile picture to match the season.

My previous profile picture was a shot of my face, tightly cropped to showcase my pixie haircut. You can see it by clicking here. Cute but dated. My hair has grown out, not as much as I’d like, considering the picture was taken 6 months ago but… I digress. The picture just didn’t fit my needs any longer, so it was time for an update.

Here’s my new profile pic:

Fall Profile Picture {Living Outside the Stacks}

Cute, right? It took me a couple hundred tries to get the shot just right but once I hit the sweet spot, I was beyond excited by the results. I take all of my own pictures without the benefit of a remote, so there’s a lot of running and wiping away of sweat involved in my selfies. Anyway, this will be my profile picture for the next few months. I’m planning something equally cute for Winter. ;-)

Here are five tips for updating your profile pic:

  1. Select a picture that represents you ~ I like floral skirts, funky shoes, books, and, of course, coffee
  2. Add a little whimsy ~ the “Hello!” on the coffee mug in my photo is both friendly and fun
  3. Make sure your name, symbol, or blog name is visible ~ This is especially true if you’re using a picture that doesn’t include your face, like I did. I use PicMonkey to edit my photos; it’s quick, easy to use, and many of the tools are FREE!
  4. Give people a head’s up ~ sometimes it can be a little disconcerting to people if your picture suddenly changes {that also goes for changing your name}
  5. Be consistent ~ make sure you update all of your avatars so your friends can recognize you

Will you be changing out your avatar to match the seasons?

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