Once upon a time, Miss 14 went through my blog and counted how many times I mentioned her and found her numbers to be woefully low. As a remedy, I suggested that she write a guest post about whatever struck her fancy. She took the challenge and has now written her second guest post for me. Here, she shares her thoughts on the year that was and the year to come…
A lot of things have happened this year for example: My dad got a promotion and we moved to Missouri, I go to a church that I absolutely love and the people are absolutely wonderful, my family is closer to God, my sister is in college, I braved through my first semester at a new school and made a few new friends, I’ve taken a big step forward in my goal to becoming a famous author, I saw the arch in St. Louis (3 times), I traveled to and through ten states (just have to hit forty more). But these things happened by fault of nature, people, God and effort. These were not my resolutions for the year 2011.
The way I view it, you can’t rely on a year to make your life better…It’s not the year’s fault things happened. I came to this conclusion as I was trolling looking through my Facebook newsfeed. People were saying how bad 2011 was and that hopefully 2012 will be better. I’m not gonna lie, I had a pretty good year; sure bad things happened but I didn’t let it wreck my whole year. Life is what you make of it. The year has nothing to do with it.
I don’t agree with New Year’s resolutions because usually they are about things that could be changed right now. If you don’t like what’s happening in the present time, don’t wait and change it in the future, change it now. It’s not worth it to wait for the next year because you may not have that much time. Make resolutions daily, not yearly.
To me, a resolution is a decision to act to solve a problem. Well, I’m not having any problems currently but I’m sure they will arise because it’s inevitable. This year, I’m not making a resolution, I’m making a New Year’s goal(which to me is something totally different): 1. I’m going to write 365 poems. One every day in the year 2012 and get at least one published.
What are your New Year’s goals?
Miss 14 going on 15