Blushes furiously…

Wow, you know, to be recognized once or twice by your peers is a compliment but to be recognized a third time?  I stutter.  Words fail me.  Probably not a good thing for a blog, where I’m supposed to, you know, write.  So what I’m blathering on about?  Aimee at girl talk has given me my third Versatile Blogger Award.  If you aren’t reading her blog, I’ll wait while you add her to your reader.  Really, she is the cutest thing ever!  And she loves shoes, so that just multiplies the fabulousness.

Even though I’ve received this award three times, I don’t think I’ve ever fully explained what a Versatile Blogger is.  Putting on my library instruction voice

A Versatile Blogger is someone who:

  1. Provides variety in his or her posts ~ I’ve written about my kids, being a librarian and my love for monkeys, so yeah I’d say I’m pretty versatile
  2. Entertains, informs, inspires and intrigues readers ~ This vlog about advocating for your health is incredibly informative and inspirational.  I think this post about teaching your children to control their anger is intriguing and helpful.  I don’t know how entertaining this post is, but making the meatloaf mice and delivering them to the hub’s job was priceless.
  3. Continues to grow as a blogger ~ I’ve incorporated vlogging into my blog because, well, sometimes I think you’d rather hear my words than read them

Now to pass the award on to some deserving bloggers…

  • It Keeps Getting Better ~ Lisa blogs about her life as a SAHM to one and a half little people (she has Phoenix, who is adorableness personified, and another little person on the way)
  • The Mahogany Way ~ Darcel is a baby~wearing, cloth diapering, unschooling mom of three who blogs about mothering naturally
  • Mom’s Toolbox ~ Amy’s special calling is to help spread the word/love of Jesus across the internet; she hosts the highly successful Bible in 90 Days and Blogging Through the Gospels
  • Slice o’ Heaven ~ Erin and her husband, how many ways can they make me laugh?  Love them both dearly and their little girl?  Cuteness wrapped in sweetness!
  • Wild Ruffle ~ She’s a mom of three little people with fabulous style and incredibly helpful photography tips

Make sure you pay them all a visit and let them know that I sent you…