Ya know, it seems like every time I start using a product or get hooked on a TV show, Jericho, anyone? it gets discontinued and I’m left scrambling to find a replacement… And so it is with my favorite feed reader, Google Reader. Last week’s 365 Project: 2013 Edition theme was “Double Exposure”; this was…
I Received a Visit from the Fairy Hobmother
The hubs likes to say that I carry my own special brand of crazy in a bucket. And that crazy includes a whole lot of skepticism. So when I received an email from the Fairy Hobmother stating that he would like to give me a $50 Amazon Gift Voucher because I “deserved something special” in…
Kreative Blogger Award
Guess who has two thumbs, a camera, her own little space on the web and has been awarded the Kreative Blogger Award? That’s right, this girl right here. Can I tell you how excited I am about this? Well, I’m very… I was given the award by Natasha at Houseful of Nicholes. If you haven’t…
Against the Wall {This or That Thursday}
This week I hit a brick wall creatively. All the photography memes have fallen to the wayside. And I have nothing left to say. I don’t know if it’s seasonal melancholy. What happened to the springlike weather I was bragging about just last week? Or if I just need to put the camera down and…
Tag! I’m It
Remember when you were a kid and you used to play “Tag”? So. Much. Fun. Well, now I’m playing the grown~up bloggy version of “Tag”. Someone tags you and then you have to answer a series of questions and then tag other folks. Unlike in elementary school, I’ve been tagged by two people: Lisa from…
My Plans for 2012 {Photography}
Wow! Can you believe it, we’ve made it to 2012! throws confetti I’m so very excited for what this new year will bring for me both personally and professionally. Yesterday, my daughter wrote the very first post for 2012 and I couldn’t agree more with her words ~ she said instead of sitting back and…
Let’s Stay Together, Even After Google Friend Connect is Gone
I love that song by Al Green, whenever I hear it on the radio, I just start singing and swaying… But, lately, I’ve been thinking about it in relationship to you, my readers. You see, I’ve heard that Google Friend Connect will be going by way of the cassette tape real soon. A moment of…
We Ended Up in the Wrong State, But We Had Fun #NaBloPoMo
I have the sense of direction of a monkey in hurricane. But I haven’t always been this way. Years ago, I used to hop in my car, strap my then 6~month~old into her car seat and drive all over the South. And this was before cell phones and Mapquest. Before GPS and turn~by~turn directions. I…
When You are Writing, Do You Prefer to Use a Pen or a Computer? #NaBloPoMo
As a teenager, I used to love to write letters. My letters took days for me to write. I’d start them on Monday, finish them on Thursday and stick them in the mail on Friday. Yes, I really thought my friends cared that much about my ~ whoa, wait! I was blogging on paper. But…
Can You Listen to Music and Write? #NaBloPoMo
I’m a dancer. Not to be mistaken for a person who has rhythm or fancy moves, mind you. But I’m a dancer. Every time I hear music, my feet start tapping, my shoulders start shaking and it’s all over but the hopping on the stage. Of course, I’d never dance on a stage. Imagine me…