This week’s theme for the 365 Project: 2013 Edition is “Water”. This is one of my submissions for this week; if you’d like to see the rest of my daily pictures, click here. Such an appropriate theme for this week, it has been raining almost every day. Well, no, that’s not true. It only seems…
It’s the Little Things {In the Dark Room}
I realized this morning that it’s been a while since I’ve shared a photo from my 365 Project: 2013 Edition. Truth be told, I’m having a difficult time keeping up with the project. There’ve been times when I just haven’t felt inspired. I see my camera sitting on the end table and have no real…
Date Night at the Mississippi River {In the Neighborhood}
When you’re a parent, finding time for a date night can be hard. Sometimes it seems impossible. But, let me tell you, it’s so vitally important that you carve out time for each other. I know a lot of moms put their children first but your marriage should come first and then the kids. Trust me…
Google Reader is Disappearing {In the Cafe}
Ya know, it seems like every time I start using a product or get hooked on a TV show, Jericho, anyone? it gets discontinued and I’m left scrambling to find a replacement… And so it is with my favorite feed reader, Google Reader. Last week’s 365 Project: 2013 Edition theme was “Double Exposure”; this was…
Street Photography {In the Dark Room}
I like to think I’m brave but I’m not. At least not when it comes to taking out my camera in public spaces. Even at tourist spots, I get nervous when I pull out out my camera and start shooting. So this week’s theme for the 365 Project: 2013 Edition was particularly challenging. We had…
How to Create a Watermark Using PicMonkey {In the Dark Room}
I’m not a professional photographer, but I play one on my blog. Hahahaha I kill me. The hubs says I’m only funny to myself and the girl I shared a uterus with {that would be my twin sister} but I think I’m hilarious. Anyway, for the longest time, I’ve been “watermarking” my images by typing…
A Quote About Shoes {This or That Thursday}
I know I’ve mentioned that I’m doing the 365 Project: 2013 Edition but did I mention that I’m also doing the 52 Week Project: 2013 Edition? I know, I’m a glutton for punishment. I didn’t even come close to finishing last year but this year will be different. This year I’m celebrating my 40th year of life…
The Alley {This or That Thursday}
This week’s theme for the 365 Project: 2013 Edition is “Tilt Shift”. I’m still fighting a lingering cough from my bout with the flu and bronchitis. For those of you keeping count, this is week 3 of “The Plague“. So going outside in 2o and 30 degree weather just wasn’t in the cards for me…
Chain Link {This or That Thursday}
This week’s theme for the 365 Project: 2013 Edition is “Minimalism”. I’ve had a lot of fun with this particular theme because it’s challenging to focus on a single object and still try to tell a story. My inclination when trying to capture an image is to get as much into the picture as possible,…