Guess who has two thumbs, a camera, her own little space on the web and has been awarded the Kreative Blogger Award? That’s right, this girl right here. Can I tell you how excited I am about this? Well, I’m very…
I was given the award by Natasha at Houseful of Nicholes. If you haven’t visited her blog, you should definitely do so. She is the craftiest library~saving momma this side of the Pecos. OK, I don’t know about the Pecos part but I do know that lady can sew up a storm and she’s a big~time library crusader. So please, go check her out.
So the rules of the award are:
- Thank the award giver and link back to them in your post
- Copy the award and post it above
- Tell your readers seven things about yourself
- Award seven others and tell them about the award
Seven randomosities about me:
- I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. This is not one of those life skills that has served me well in adulthood but as a kid, it used to freak my sisters out, so it was well worth it’s short~lived value.
- In a previous life, I was a model, history instructor and librarian. I was also in the Army for 4 years. During that time, I was stationed in Korea and I would stay with random Korean families just for fun. I would kill my kids if they ever did that. I didn’t speak Korean and many of the families that I visited didn’t speak English.
- We found out about my twins 9 days before they were born. As in the doctor said, “Mrs. Tucker, you’re having twins and we don’t deliver twins here, so you’ll have to go to Texas.” Nine days before I was due to give birth. You can read about my labor on the highway by going here.
- I’m not a bad mother but I once left my kid at the top of the escalator. Although the statute of limitations ran out about 14 years ago, she still tells the story to anyone who will listen and offer a sympathetic ear.
- I would like to be a professional car dancer. Dude, if there can be professional paint ballers, surely there can be professional car dancers.
- I absolutely positively love monkeys. If you’d like to know the story behind my monkey love, just go here. When I was a kid, I swore I’d have a monkey and a child and raise them together as siblings. My plan was vetoed by the hubs.
- My Nikon D3100 is the best gift the hubs has ever given me. That includes the children.
My seven nominees:
Check This Out
- Chic Homeschool Mama ~ Gina was one of the first photographer bloggers to encourage me in my new~found hobby
- Deb Duty Photography ~ Deb’s another one of those photographers who has been encouraging me
- Mom’s Toolbox ~ I love how Amy encourages her readers to dig deeper into the word of God
- My Freshly Brewed Life ~ Barbie’s words are just so inspirational
- Nora Elizabeth Photography ~ Nora’s sweet spirit and grace come through in her photography
- Serendipity is Sweet ~ I big puffy heart Melissa’s photography
- Snafood ~ I’m a recipe junkie and ever since Erin told me about her online cookbook, well, I’ve been in foodie utopia
Please check them out when you get a chance and let them know that I sent you.