Dandelion  {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

Dandelion  {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

Dandelion  {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

Dandelion  {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

I rarely do any heavy editing of my photos anymore. Most of the time I just crop and add my watermark, but something about these photos just begged to be black and white. I’m totally digging them.

Do you edit your pictures? What’s your preference, color or black and white?

Happy Clicking,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}



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I’m linking up this post with Lipgloss and Binky and Everyday Eyecandy for the Our Project 52 photography challenge. Please check them out and make sure you visit the other participants.