Easter {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

All winter long I’ve looked at this tree standing in our front yard, all brown and gnarly. Sometimes I wonder if it’s dead and we should just cut it down. This year it took so long to bloom that I thought surely it’s time to let it go. But Easter morning, there they were, these beautiful pink and white blooms. Blowing gently in the wind. I adore these flowers. I’m not sure what they’re called but they symbolize everything that Easter stands for: Resurrection, Rebirth, Renewal…

Easter Sunday {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

This year it was just the girls and me for Easter. They are so cool. The girls knew I didn’t have anything planned so they called me up and told me they were going with me to church and then coming over to the house for dinner. No pressure. The two older girls brought over a cheesecake sampler for dessert because they remembered me mentioning my love for cheesecake a few months ago. Pressure lifted.

Easter Sunday {Living Outside the Stacks} #OurProject52

I love them so much. It’s hard to believe this is the last year that we’re all going to be together before they start living their lives. And before The Hubs and I move to Georgia. Slides to the floor in a heaping puddle of feels.

Miss 18 graduates next month, so our oldest daughter will be flying in from Texas to celebrate, The Hubs will be home, and all of the other kids will be home. I plan to get a group picture then. Hopefully, they’ll all cooperate with me. They don’t have a choice.

How was your Easter?

Happy Clicking,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}



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I’m linking up this post with Lipgloss and Binky and Everyday Eyecandy for the Our Project 52 photography challenge. Please check them out and make sure you visit the other participants.