It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and I’m sitting here watching a documentary about Abraham Lincoln. He’s such an interesting character. I’d really like to go see the movie that’s come out but I know that’s one I’d have to see alone. If I asked the hubs to go, he’d say: “That’s not my thing.” Sometimes I like that our tastes are so different; other times, not so much.
This week I finished reading Reach: How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God an ebook by @laurakrokos and @angipratt. I can’t remember exactly how I stumbled across the book, but I’m glad I did. For a while, I’d been thinking about how I could use my blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc to spread the gospel. I don’t want to face God and have Him say that I squandered the resources that He provided for me. There will definitely be some reevaluting of my online priorities.
I also kept up with the November Photo A Day prompts! Yay me. Two weeks in a row. I think I may just make it this time.
- day 12: drinking a cup of coffee in my office
- day 13: my poor bedroom, it needs help
- day 14: I like to crochet flowers to embellish my cardis and jackets
- day 15: yep, I carry all that stuff in my bag (so. very. heavy.)
- day 16: looking out my dining room window
- day 17: one of the seven skirts I purchased at the thrift store last weekend
So that’s my week in review. Nothing super exciting, just a life that I thank God for every single day. How was your week?
Are you on Instagram? If you are, give me a shout out, I’m 4daenelt!