Style Imitating Art {Round Up}: Silk Dresses

Hi, and welcome to final Style Imitating Art of 2018! Can you believe we’re almost at the end of the year? Honestly, hasn’t this been the longest year ever? I mean, it went by quickly but in the slowest way possible. Does that make sense? I’ve had so much fun co-hosting this challenge the last…

Style Imitating Art: Silk Dresses

Hi, how are you doing? Are you already for the Christmas holiday? Goodness knows I am. Two of my girls are here {you can see pictures here} and our other 3 kids will start arriving at the end of the week. I’m beyond excited. This’ll be the first time that we’ve had all 5 kids…

Black Peasant Blouse, Jeans, and Ballet Flats

Tomorrow is my last day of work. I’m not sure if I should cry tears of joy or tears of sadness. I’ve only been there three years, but it feels so much longer than that. But it also feels like I’ve just arrived. Things are so uncertain — I don’t have a job, first of…

Tunic or Dress? Either Way, It’s Cute

Hi! How are things in your neck of the woods? Please tell me that someone somewhere is enjoying some Spring like weather… We went to Mississippi over the weekend and, y’all, it was so cold. I told my mom not to expect to see me until well into the summer. I was not made for…

Transitional Outfit: Denim Blazer, Lace Dress, and Leggings

I’m a daddy’s girl. Always have been. So when my parents divorced, I chose to go live with him while I adjusted to our new reality. My dad and I used to split our time between Washington, D.C. and Spottsylvania, VA. In Virginia, it was just my dad and me. But when we lived in…

Sweater Dress / Tunic Two Ways

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I earn a commission if you order using the link* The semester is officially over. The students have graduated and we are in summer mode on campus. That means jeans, dressy tops, leggings, tunics, and sundresses. All the yeses. Not that I mind business casual, but…

Feeling Flirty Over Forty

You guys, this is it! My last week of freedom before I start working again. I can’t lie, I’m both excited and nervous. I’m excited because, well, new place and new co-workers. And I’m nervous because new place and new co-workers. Make sense? Oh, I guess I should tell you where I’ll be working, huh?…

Casual Clothes Mini Challenge: Pants with a Tunic/Short Dress

I love a dress over jeans. Like seriously love love love a dress over jeans, which makes this portion of Sylvia’s Casual Clothes Mini Challenge so much fun for me. I think one of the reasons I enjoy this look so much is that it’s easy. I don’t have to worry about the dress being too short…

Casual Clothes Mini Challenge: Jeans with a Basic Tee and Jacket or Cardigan

Happy Wednesday, all! Soooo, it looks like Spring is finally here to stay. Yay for warm weather and sunlight and all the fabulous things that come with it. Like casual dressing. Oh, yeah, I’m totally in to dressing casual during the warmer months, not down, but casual. There’s a difference. And to show off my…