November Photo A Day {Photography}

I’m not sure why I keep doing this to myself. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment or maybe I’m just hoping that one day I will actually complete an entire month of photos. And, well, I kinda like this month’s Photo A Day prompts. I’ll be posting my pictures on Instagram (you can follow me…

Autumn Flowers {Photography}

For the past two days I’ve been working evenings, so I’ve been at a loss as to what to do with myself during the day. Sleep is so not an option. I’m used to being up and moving. So I grabbed my camera and started snapping pictures of things around the house, but nothing inspired…

August Photo A Day {Photography}

So did you catch all of my photos for the month of July? No? That’s because I think I took a total of four. Four in 31 days! What the heck, yo? I have a perfectly good camera that has been collecting the proverbial dust because I, hmmm, I don’t have a valid excuse. But…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {Photography}

New month, new beginnings, right? Right. I’m heading into my 3rd week as a Cinchspiration blogger and things are going… LOL I’ll give a full update tomorrow, but suffice it to say, I sure could use some encouragement and cheering up and on. If you’re on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter, please follow me and the…

His Works are Wondrous {Photography}

I’m fascinated by the sky. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, I’m always looking up at the sun, the clouds, the stars, the lightning, everything… It just amazes me that each and every day, from moment to moment really, that things can just look so different. God is an incredible artist, His…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {Photography}

Happy Pentecost Sunday! Hope everyone had a great day. Please remember to take time to think about the families of those who’ve lost their lives in the name of freedom. And have a safe and happy Memorial Day. Now on to my finds for this week’s hunt: 1. Beneath Your Feet My coffee table, while…

Summer Colors {Photography}

Right now I’m obsessed with colors. I’m talking about bright colors that scream summer. I think it’s the change of seasons but I really want to update my living room. Right now it’s done in browns with muted creams, greens and burgundies… Nice for fall and winter but for spring and summer not so much.…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {Photography}

It feels so good to be participating in Scavenger Hunt Sunday again. I haven’t joined in since April. But this week I had some beautiful shots, thanks to a photo walk with my daughter and an impromptu day out with the hubs. Hope you enjoy looking at my finds for this week. 1. Rainbow I…

How to Pin Photographs from Flickr to Pinterest {Photography}

I don’t know about you, but I’m obsessed with Pinterest. Seriously, there’s nothing I enjoy more than curling up with my iPad, a cup of coffee and a prepped and ready pinning finger. I pin stuff to try, stuff to wear, stuff to eat and stuff that makes me laugh. I also like to pin…