Happy Pentecost Sunday! Hope everyone had a great day. Please remember to take time to think about the families of those who’ve lost their lives in the name of freedom. And have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

Now on to my finds for this week’s hunt:

1. Beneath Your Feet

Beneath My Feet

My coffee table, while I kick back, sip coffee and watch TV. This could also be my shot for “currently”… If you’re a shoe girl, consider joining me on Saturdays for Shoe Style Saturday. For more information, click here.

2. Capturing Movement

Capturing Movement

The hubs was a little restless last night, so we drove down to the water front to walk around. I’m glad he made me run back into the house to grab my camera before we left. I think the light reflecting off the railroad tracks demonstrates movement, don’t you? This is pretty much SOOC (I added the watermark).

3. Texture


The hubs and I took the girls to the Lazy L Safari yesterday and this little guy kept following us around. I think it had something to do with the bag of food Miss 15 was carrying around.

4. Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears

As a result of growing up in Italy and spending a lot of time in Venice, I have an intense fear of birds. And cats. And running out of coffee.

5. Currently


This picture was taken tonight while I was editing pictures. Notice the ever present coffee mug?

I’m linking up with Ashley at Ramblings and Photos for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. Here are the “rules” if you’d like to join in:Scavenger Hunt Sunday

  1. Take a photo of each prompt {if you have to dig into your archives, it’s OK but the pictures should be relatively new}
  2. Link to the URL of the blog post, not your main blog
  3. Grab the button or text link back to Ramblings and Photos
  4. Visit some of the other participants and leave some comment love

Next week’s prompts {sponsored by Abra at The Magical Miss} are:

  • Shine
  • Fast
  • Left
  • Peace
  • Plain

Have a great week!