Hey, y ‘all, hey! How’s your 2023 so far? I started mine with Covid. After a week of quarantine, I’m on the upward swing — I’m so happy. Fortunately, I didn’t have to deal with a fever or anything, but I was extremely tired and achy. I also had stomach issues and light headedness. That part seems to be subsiding faster than the lethargy and achiness.

Towards the end of last year, I started thinking very seriously about attempting another 365 project {a photography project where you take a picture every day for a year}. I’ve tried before and failed, but this is a big year for me. I turn FIFTY in March! The big 5-ohhhhh! So I want to document this as best I can. Like I wrote above, the year has started kinda rocky, so my pictures reflect that. My goal is to a picture of something that I want to remember about that day. Big or small. A sick selfie. A fake plant in the bathroom window. A cup of coffee… It doesn’t matter. These are the things that make up my life for the next 365 days.


f1.8 | 1/10 | ISO 200

I ended 2022 and started 2023 in quarantine because of COVID. I spent a bit of time in the ER because of low oxygen, but I’m good now. I’m mostly exhausted, a little congested, and achy. Hopefully, the worst is over.


f1.8 | 1/1000 | ISO 80

Still in quarantine. Seeing things that need to be cleaned {windows, I’m looking at you}…


f1.8 | 1/160 | ISO 4000

My first read of 2023. You can read my review here. Hint: I gave it 4 stars.


f1.8 | 1/20 | ISO 80

Nothing special. Just another COVID isolation picture because I don’t want to miss a day. And I spent most of today sleeping. The exhaustion is real.


f1.8 | 1/100 | ISO 1250

My messy vanity. I’m very organized except in this one area. I simply cannot keep this space straight for anything.


f1.8 | 1/400 | ISO 1250

I’m out of quarantine! Still not 100%, but better than I was.


New specs. I’m turning 50 this year, that means an increase in prescription annnnnnnd bifocals.


Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you like what you read, please consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share on Pinterest. While I pay for many of the items I share on this blog out of my own pocket, some items are gifted to me {I always disclose those items}.

Come back soon,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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