Has this week flown by or what? I’m trying to remember what I could have done to make it go by so quickly but, yeah, I got nothing. Maybe it’s just that I’m getting older and time flies…

I’m finally starting to branch out and get a little more creative with my self portraits. It’s nice to do more than take pictures of my face. Thank you, Creators of Photoshop.


Do you see all those buttons? Aren’t they pretty? I originally bought them to use as accessories on scarves that I crochet but I’ve stopped crocheting so now I have a ton of buttons just sitting in a drawer. I’m not sure whether I should start crocheting again or find a hobby that uses buttons.

Garlic and Chive Pita Chips

I discovered these Garlic and Chive Pita Chips at one of the local discount stores and oh my gosh these are my new Kryptonite. I seriously cannot stop eating them which, of course, leads to a whole nother set of issues that I really don’t feel like dealing with right now.

I’m linking up with Deb from Deb Duty Photography for This or That Thursday.