Like many people in areas where the elected officials care about their constituents, we’re under Stay At Home Orders. And I’ve been trying to figure out how I can remember this time. I mean, we know it won’t last always. Right? Then it dawned on me: USE YOUR CAMERA. Yes, really, that was not my…
On My Front Porch: A Photography Project
Like many people in areas where the elected officials care about their constituents, we’re under Stay At Home Orders. And I’ve been trying to figure out how I can remember this time. I mean, we know it won’t last always. Right? Then it dawned on me: USE YOUR CAMERA. Yes, really, that was not my…
Close the Libraries
I’ve long been an advocate of access, but I’ve also advocated for protecting library faculty and staff. I’ve worked in libraries where the entire campus shut down BUT the library was required to stay open. One university president even “offered” to have security pick up library staff from their homes during snow storms and “allow”…