Hi! How was your Mother’s Day? Mine was nice. I did very little. Just ate a bunch of stuff I shouldn’t and watched a lot of TV. Decadence. Pure and simple.
Sitting by the Mississippi River with The Hubs is the only way to end the weekend.
My mom and me…
Three of my five kids and me…
Love celebrating Mother’s Day with those people.
Miss 17 gave me books and Boston Baked Beans. That kid knows the way to my heart. This is also the first time I didn’t share with them…
My favorite coffee picture of the week: The Boy had ice cream and I had coffee. Natch.
I’m pretty certain the vial was filled with coffee…
Sometimes it feels like most of my days are spent waiting for meetings to begin. At least my feet look cute. Don’t you just love the Sseko Sandals with the Rio accessory? And, since I’m complaining about meetings, why can’t they involve food? I mean, seriously, the meeting caller ought to supply donuts. Just sayin’.
My friend, Paulette from Rorschach, Coffee, and 1963, and I were having a discussion on Twitter about the inconvenience of wanting to take photos when you’re traveling with others. You know, you wanna grab your camera, get out and shoot, but your’re hyper aware of the other person and their desire to get on with the trip. Her suggestion? A notebook. Just keep the notebook with you and when inspiration strikes or a location is spotted, jot it down for future reference. Genius!
What was the highlight of your week?