Best Nine of 2017 {@daenelt on Instagram or follow my blog at}

I’ve heard 2017 described in a variety of ways. Most of them unpleasant, courtesy of the current political and social climate. And, I can’t lie, it hasn’t always been easy. There’ve been times when I’ve wanted to bury my head under the covers and cry because of the heaviness of it all, but then I think of all the ways that I’ve been blessed and I can’t help but to say “Thank You, Lord, for all that I’ve been given.” I look at my the photos from my Instagram feed and I see health, happiness, and restoration. I see a couple doing something they never really thought they’d get to do: exploring our hometown as empty nesters. I see sisters, who almost lost each other due to illness, celebrating a complete healing. I see silliness and peace. I see a blessed life. What do you see when you look back on the past 12 months? What do you want to see going forward?

Feel free to join me on Instagram, I have two accounts:

See you in 2018,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}