Camel Poncho Striped Tee and Jeans {living outside the stacks}

Hey, how’s it going? Things are going well here. I thought I’d share some random things that made me happy this week:

Camel Poncho Striped Tee and Jeans {living outside the stacks}

Camel Poncho Striped Tee and Jeans {living outside the stacks}

Camel Poncho Striped Tee and Jeans {living outside the stacks}

Yes, I wear an Apple watch and a Fitbit. My girls have Fitbits and I like to compete against them so…. Yep, I’m that mom. I will walk around my living room for half an hour if it means I will beat them by one step.

Camel Poncho Striped Tee and Jeans {living outside the stacks}

Poncho and Infinity Scarf ~ QVC | Striped Tee ~ Old {similar} | Earrings ~ Nickel & Suede | Tassel Necklace ~ Target {similar}

Watch ~ Apple Series 3 {cute bands} | Fitbit Flex 2 {cute bands} | Jeggings ~ Old {variety} | Boots ~ Old {so much cuter}

What made you happy this week? Share in the comments below…

I’m joining the following link~ups:

Be sure to check them out for more fashion inspiration,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}