Coffee Talk {living outside the stacks}

I’d like to welcome you to Coffee Talk. If you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And, who knows, there may even be a recipe thrown in here or there just for fun.

So the Oscars were last week. I didn’t watch though. I don’t watch awards shows. Quite honestly, I think Hollywood and its ilk are the most self-congratulatory group of folks ever… I mean “real people” don’t have whole days dedicated to them winning awards in their career fields. Then again, maybe Hollywood is on to something. Maybe people would be happier if they knew there was some big ol’ TELEVISED awards show for librarians, teachers, day care workers, nursing assistants, soldiers, etc. Hmmmm. But I digress. The reason I brought up the Oscars is because Black Twitter {yes, there’s such a thing} went all in on Halle Berry’s hair and did not let up for days. I’m not sure I understand why. She said it was her natural hair and she was embracing the curl. Some folks said it looked like a jacked up wig she slapped on her head. Lop sided. harsh I happen to think she looked stunning. You can’t tell folks to embrace their natural selves and then rip into them when they do.

Betsy Devos thinks Historically Black Colleges and Universities {HBCUs} are examples of school choice. deep heavy soul weary sigh HBCUs were established because black folks did not have a choice. Some public {aka predominately white} schools, especially in the Jim Crow South, did not allow black folks to enroll, so creating their own institutions was the only option. This woman is in charge of making decisions for the American education system. We are in so much trouble.

And while we’re talking about ignorance, let’s just applaud the justice system for finally acting appropriately… Two grown tailed, racist adults were sentenced to lengthy prison terms for their roles in a racist attack at an 8~year~old child’s birthday party. So they cried in court and tried to assure their victims that this was not them. Ummmm, yeah it is. And you’re not sorry for what you did. You’re sorry you got caught. There’s a difference.

I’m 43 years old and I still remember the first time I was called a nigger. It hurt. And it still hurts. I was five years old and a little girl told me she couldn’t play with me because “you’re a nigger.” I didn’t know what the word meant, but I knew it had to be bad because it kept my friend away from me. She didn’t say it with hate or anger. She just said it. Because that was the reason her parents gave her for why she could no longer be my friend. Many years later, I had to explain to my own daughter why a little girl wouldn’t sit next to her because she was black. My daughter’s response? “But, Mommy, she has black hair too.” My daughter was 5 years old. That oh so magical age.

Last, but not least, if I hear one more person say: “I don’t see color…” one more time. That is offensive. If you don’t see color, then you are denying a part of me. A part of me that makes me who I am. A part of me that is rich in culture and heritage. A part of me that deserves to be recognized and acknowledged. I want you to see my color. What I don’t want is for you to judge me because of it.

Now, it’s your turn… What’s going on in your world? Anything have you scratching your head or belly laughing? Is there a book I absolutely must add to my TBR Shelf? Have you cooked or ordered anything tasty?


Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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