Earrings: Sloan + Themis
Necklace: CharlotteisChaCha
Blouse: Target
Skirt: Kmart
Oxfords: Marshall’s
Photos courtesy of Miss 20. Thank you.
I love wearing these two {really there’s three, if you count the collared tee underneath the polka dot shirt} pieces together. When I’m having a bad day, this just picks me up. Which is funny because the shape does absolutely nothing for me. In fact, it emphasizes everything I want to hide…mostly my bulging middle and my skinny legs. But it also makes me smile. I think this is a case of pattern/color overcoming insecurities. Or maybe it’s just that I have to fake a certain amount of confidence to highlight the parts of me that I don’t really like… Then again, I could just be over thinking this whole thing…
Do you have an outfit like that? Something that requires that you fake self confidence?
I’m linking up with:
- Kimba Likes ~ Wardrobe Wednesday: A chance to show your personal style. Link up on Wednesdays.
- Lena B., Actually ~ Passion for Fashion: Anything fashion goes. Link up on Fridays.
Not Dead Yet Style ~ Visible Monday:Share what makes you feel alive. Link up on Mondays.- The Pleated Poppy ~ What I Wore Wednesday: Encouraging ladies everywhere to forgo sweats and yoga pants for fashionable looks. Link up on Wednesdays.
- Rachel the Hat ~ Passion for Fashion: Anything fashion goes. Link up on Fridays.
Please check them out for more fashion inspiration.