Well, hello there! I hope your week has been fabulous so far. Mine has been great. I’m two days in to a seven day running streak, so yay! My muscles are sore but my mind and spirit are clear. And can you see the muscle definition forming in the front of my legs? I’ve…
Vintage Pin-Up with a Modern Twist
One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about watching my children grow up is seeing their individual style develop. When she was younger, my daughter’s style was very similar to my own: very bohemian. But in recent years {actually, since she started college}, she’s found her own fashion niche. I think her style is…
Happy New Year and 2014 Plans {In the Closet}
Happy New Year! Do you have big plans for 2014? I don’t have any resolutions. I have a hard time with those because I never follow through with them. I do have a few goals for this year: Read the Bible in a Year ~ I read the Bible in 90 days a few years…
Pantone~Inspired Fall Color Challenge: Day 4 {In the Closet}
Today’s color is “Carafe”, which looks a lot like brown to me. I assume that this is somehow related to the carafe in a coffee maker, so I figured why not match a rich dark roasted coffee bean? I absolutely love coffee. I love the taste, the smell, the feel, the sight… It’s just a…