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Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

Hey! How are ya? I’m doing well. This is gonna be a super quick post because life, y’all….

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs


The Fab Forties is a group of five style bloggers from around the globe who come together once a month to share their common love of fashion. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger, who is also in her forties, to join us. The group’s goal is to take on a style trend and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our lives. Six different ladies, six different styles, you’re sure to find something that inspires you.

The Theme

Our theme for this month was chosen by Dee from Dee Sayz. I wish you could’ve been privy to the discussions about the shirt dress. It seems that almost no one had one. Seriously. I think just about all of us had to go shopping for one…

My Outfit

 Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

I wore this outfit to work on Friday to do a few campus visits and take pictures of our students during their first week of classes {you can see some of my favorite images here, here, and here}. Because I knew I’d be going into the welding bays, I didn’t want to wear a dress or anything sleeveless, but I also wanted to be cute and comfortable. I won’t lie, this outfit was probably a little too layered for the welding bays, but for going into the classrooms and the HVAC shop, I was OK. Even the clogs weren’t an issue because the soles are rubberized and scored, so no danger of slipping.

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

When I’m in the shops, I keep my jewelry to a minimum so that nothing gets snagged. That being said, I almost never go anywhere without a pair of earrings on and Nickel & Suede earrings continue to be my faves for style and added pop.

And speaking of pop – can you see that gray coming through? I’m transitioning from dyed and relaxed hair to natural hair. Y’all. This is one of the hardest style choices I’ve ever made. I mean, so much is going on with my hair, but I’ll make it. I hope.

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

I’m usually not a fan of belts. Especially the thin self belts that come with dresses, but I decided to wear it anyway. I think I like it better without the belt or, at least, tied in the back. Do you like self belts?

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

And those clogs…

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

I finally invested in a second pair of Mia clogs and I lurve them. They’re so incredibly comfortable and that red color is everything. In my world, a red shoe is a neutral and can be worn with everything.

My Co-Hosts

Make sure you visit each of them to get all the details on their outfits. To visit, simply click the blog name.

Dee {Dee Sayz}

Dee {dee sayz}

I know I’m supposed to be focusing on the shirt dress but I am in love with Dee’s shoes. I just bought a pair of embroidered flare legs and, y’all… But that shirt dress is cute. I like that it’s a longer length too.

Jennie {A Pocketful of Polka Dots}

Jennie {a pocketful of polka dots}

OK. Jennie wins the award for most creative wearing of the shirt dress. I never would’ve thought to pair it with a sleeveless cropped sweater but this is fabulous!!

Sheela {Sheela Writes}

Sheela {sheela writes}

Sheela makes the shirt dress so danged sexy. I love the pairing of the business peplum shape with the rugged camo. Fierce.

Shelbee {Shelbee on the Edge}

Shelbee {shelbee on the edge}

Again with the shoes!!! *swoon* And the colors. I’m getting serious Studio 54 vibes and I’m digging it. I also like the shirt dress as duster swagger. Nice.

Suzy {Pixie Chick in Portugal}

Suzy {a pixie chick in portugal}

Suzy’s sporty chic is so danged fun. This is another combination I wouldn’t have come up with on my own, but I can see me wearing. The pops of red are my jam.

Daenel T {living outside the stacks} Denim Shirt Dress Black and White Striped Tee Black Leggings and Red Clogs

Earrings – Nickel & Suede | Striped Tee – Similar | Shirt Dress – Similar | Leggings – Similar | Clogs – Exact

Do you wear shirt dresses? If you need more inspiration, check out my Pinterest board here. And, while you’re at it, I’d love it if you followed me on Facebook and Instagram.

Now go play in your closet,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}



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Join us for Style Imitating Art. You can see the inspiration piece and find out how to participate by clicking here.

Style Imitating Art - Join Us #StyleImitatingArt

For more stylish inspiration, check out the following linkups:

Where I Co-host

  • Ageless Style – Ten women, over the age of forty, prove that style is ageless. First Tuesday of the month.
  • Fab Forties – Six bloggers, over the age of forty, show they’re still fabulously fashionable. First Monday of the month.
  • Style Imitating Art – Style inspired by pieces of art. Every other week.

Other Linkups