Alrighty now, thanks to the magical skills of Christie at My Life – A Work in Progress, it’s time to hop into the time machine for Flashback Friday and see where it takes us…
*cue The Police ~ Every breath you take….*
The year is 1983 and I am at the 7-Eleven buying as much candy as I can for twenty-five cents, ’cause you know, back in the day you could buy a bag of candy for a quarter. Do you remember the candy that looked like a football? Or the ones that looked like little hamburgers? How about Bazooka Joe and the little comics? I used to try to save the comics so I could get one of the little toys but my mother always made me toss the wrappers. LOL
Those were the good ol’ days…
Do you have a favorite memory from back in the day? How about sharing it with the world…go on over here and leave a link to your post.