With the cold snap that’s gripping the nation, I thought it’d be fun to share a picture from my first snow. We were living in El Paso, Texas at the time, so I think my twin sister and I were about four or five and my younger sister was about one or two. Notice how…
5 Things I’m Sorry My Kids Will Never Experience {In the Family Room}
Do you remember playing outside until the street lights came on? Or sliding down a metal sliding board at the peak of summer? Riding in the back of station wagons without the benefit of seat belts? Ahhhh, those were the good ol’ days. We were hard core. We survived! Too bad our kids will never…
Scavenger Hunt Sunday
Hi everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. Mine was beyond wonderful. My twin sister and I celebrated our 39th birthday {you can read the crazy story surrounding our birth by going here} and the hubs and I celebrated our 17th anniversary. Longest starter marriage. Ever. But, most importantly, the hubs was baptized today! 1.…
Mommy, What Color Were Our Eggs?
One of the things about having four children that I love and hate the most is that my oldest daughter has taken it upon herself to parent the younger kids. Actually, it’s kinda cool that she mothers them because it’s less work for me. However, she has a bad habit of telling them everything she…
Coffee Talk: Memories of Michael Jackson
My daughter is now a big fan of Michael Jackson’s, isn’t it crazy how an artist transcends generations?
Flashback Friday
Alrighty now, thanks to the magical skills of Christie at My Life – A Work in Progress, it’s time to hop into the time machine for Flashback Friday and see where it takes us… *cue The Police ~ Every breath you take….* The year is 1983 and I am at the 7-Eleven buying as much…