5 Things I’m Sorry My Kids Will Never Experience {In the Family Room}

Do you remember playing outside until the street lights came on? Or sliding down a metal sliding board at the peak of summer? Riding in the back of station wagons without the benefit of seat belts? Ahhhh, those were the good ol’ days. We were hard core. We survived! Too bad our kids will never…

That Coffee Life {In the Dark Room}

When I was a little girl, my father used to drink his coffee from a beautiful brown mug that had a whistle on the handle. We were never allowed to touch his mug, except on the occasions when he’d turn the handle so we could blow the whistle. I’m not sure why but this was…

Doll Houses and Memories of Family

As a young child, I spent about six months living with my father in Spotsylvania County, Virginia before we relocated to Washington, D.C. There, we shared a cozy four-bedroom home with my grandparents, uncle, and aunt – the quintessential close-knit neighborhood where everyone knew everyone. I lost count of how often I heard: “When your…