Hello, my friends! I hope you had a great weekend. I did. I spent time with my family, caught up on my sleep, and watched the season premier of Hell on Wheels. I’m totally addicted to that show. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out: Saturday nights on AMC.
Every week I look at my pictures and I try to see if there’s a theme. I think this week it looks like it’s all about the hands. Hands fascinate me. They have the power to love and to hate, to create and to break down. Hands can express so much…
Fist Bump Friday. If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, please join me for Fist Bump Friday {use the hash tag #FistBumpFriday}. It’s a time for us to celebrate the things that have made us happy during the week.It doesn’t have to be big or earth shattering, if it made you happy, share!
Street art. My nephew was all kinds of fascinated by the hand prints on the flood wall.
American Queen. The Hubs and I have put riding the American Queen on our Couple’s Bucket List.
National Lipstick Day. I’d never heard of it either but once I did, I thought why not? I rarely wear lipstick but when I do, it’s usually a dark brown.
Random silliness. As much as my family hates having my camera aimed at them, they sure have no problem when it comes to photo bombing.
Coffee love. My favorite coffee photo of the week. You can see the others by clicking here.
What was the highlight of your week?