My pastor is sneaky. Ever since we started attending this church, he’s been trying to figure out a way to get me involved. With people. Talking to them. Sharing with them. Just doing something. And each time he’s given me a task, I’ve politely declined. Not because I’m hard headed or anything but because I tend to be a little unsure of myself. And I doubt myself. And I second guess myself. And I over analyze everything to death. Except when it comes to research.
I’m good at research. There’s nothing I enjoy more than finding obscure facts. Or helping others to find information. Ask me a question and I’ll help you find the answer. Even if it means that I’ll be up all night seeking and finding. And that’s where he got me.
A few weeks ago, the pastor asked the church to join him on the Daniel Fast and he asked me if I could help him answer questions, find recipes, etc. I gladly obliged. Because, you know, it was a question/answer/research thing.
The Daniel Fast is a fast based on Daniel 1:1~20 and Daniel 10:2~3. During the period of the fast, participants drink only water and eat only vegetables and fruits. It’s meant as a time of spiritual, physical and mental submission to God.
I did the research and posted approved food lists, recipes, tips and guidelines to our church family’s Facebook page and was, generally, quite pleased that I was able to be of assistance in a way that I felt was truly helpful and within my comfort zone. Then one night, the pastor called on me to speak before the church about the Daniel Fast. To answer questions. With the mike. Honestly, I kinda enjoyed it. It was like being in front of my class again. Teaching. Doing what I do best ~ sharing, teaching and, yes, learning.
Do you see what he did there? He got me out of my comfort zone by working within my comfort zone. But today, he pushed me a little bit more and I’m really not sure how it even happened.
All I know is that I’m now in charge of our church’s weight loss challenge. Me. The woman who hasn’t exercised in 42 days (according to that evil little widget on my phone). The woman who is 30 lbs overweight (according to that mocking scale in my bathroom). The woman who wouldn’t run if someone were chasing her (according to the unused sneakers under my bed). I’m responsible for helping a church full o’ folks get healthy.
And I’m OK with that. I’m ready for the challenge. I know that God wants us to be healthy spiritually, mentally and physically. And I also know that He knows where our strengths lie and if He thinks that I can do this then I know that I can do this. With His help. And that of a sneaky pastor…