Today was the kids’ last day of school. Insert tears here. Today was also my last day of freedom. Insert wailing and moaning here. The kids will be with me every. Single. Day. For the next 3 months…
Knowing I was dreading my impending loss of freedom, the hubs took today off and declared it “Day of Daenel”. We started the day with breakfast at our favorite diner, Hickory House Restaurant. That was our only plan, we decided to play the rest of our day by ear.
So we hopped in the car and drove down to the Mississippi River. If you’re a regular reader, you know how much I love driving down to the river. It’s so beautiful. You can see some of my pictures from the area by clicking here. But today, we decided to follow the river to the opposite side of where I usually take pictures…
Is that not the most beautiful view ever?
See the bridge behind the hubs? That’s where I usually stand and take my pictures, it was so nice to see things from a different vantage point.
After we finished at the Mississippi River, we weren’t quite ready to go home so we walked around the mall for a bit. Then we went to one of my favorite places, the Bollinger Mill so the hubs could see the Burfordville Covered Bridge.
I absolutely love it out there, but I’ve never been there when the Mill has been opened for tours. Today was our lucky day!
You can see my pictures of the bridge and from the tour by clicking here.
Are your kids out of school? How will you spend your summer vacation?