My Week on Instagram {6/52}

This past week was all about selling the house. We spent time cleaning and staging the house. I spent time hanging out in a hotel room and in the park and at the mall just to keep the dog away from house hunters. But, hey, you do what you gotta do, right? I’m praying we…

I’m Starting a Book Group

I’ve decided to host a book club on my Facebook page! I know, right? I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I kinda just threw the idea out there and got a great response. I love the idea of doing something informal, relaxed, and fun. I like to read but once I’m…

My Week on Instagram: Day 1 Through Day 7

You guys, this may be the busiest weekend I’ve had in a long time. The Hubs and I spent the weekend house hunting online. I’m so ready to go to Albany and begin the “real” house search. I can’t believe how many people don’t realize how important the online photos of their homes are… <rant>Instagram…

Blogtober: My Hobby

A little over 3 years ago, The Hubs bought me my first “real” camera. It was a GE X500 Power Pro. I loved that camera. And I took it every where with me. But as I became more comfortable with photography, I started to recognize the limitations of my “bridge” camera {a step above a…

Instagram Week in Review

Hi, my friends! How’re you? I’m doing well. Just gearing myself up for another week. Can you believe how quickly this year is passing by? I’m already starting to see Back to School ads. I’m so not ready. Three of my kids will be going off to college and my youngest will be entering her…

Instagram Week in Review

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was great. This weekend I ran the Run for God 5K with my daughter. You can read her race wrap up here. I had such a great time. There were 321 people signed up and 317 actual participants. Such a great time in God and for the running…

Week in Review: Week 19

So this week is gonna be an emotional one for me… My twins are graduating from high school. High school. My babies. My teeny tiny looked like they still had their tails when they were born babies. I’m so not ready. Let’s not talk about that right now… This is my favorite coffee picture of…

Friendship for Grown-ups: A Look Back

Three years ago, I reviewed a book by Lisa Whelchel called Friendship for Grown-ups: What I Missed & Learned Along the Way. Lisa talked about how she was on this show that was all about the strength and support that comes from having close female relationships, yet she was all alone.  Lisa’s words spoke to me at that time.…

Weekend in Review: Week 13

Are we all agreed that we need a day between Sunday and Monday? It really feels like the weekend goes by too quickly… Did you notice that I changed the title of this post? Well, I noticed it’s less about selfies and more about documenting my weekend and sharing the memories. I’ll be the first…

2014 Daily Selfie: Week 9 {In the Dark Room}

Oh my word, y’all, I know everyone has been complaining about the weather but, seriously, can we at least go for consistency? One day it’s pushing 70º and the next we’re at ~5º with ice. I need it be warm or cold, not both. Other than that, the week has been relatively uneventful. But I’m…