Cream Cardi Peach Blouse Brown Skirt and Brown Boots {Living Outside the Stacks}

Today’s color is “Carafe”, which looks a lot like brown to me. I assume that this is somehow related to the carafe in a coffee maker, so I figured why not match a rich dark roasted coffee bean?

Cream Cardi Peach Blouse Brown Skirt and Brown Boots {Living Outside the Stacks}

I absolutely love coffee. I love the taste, the smell, the feel, the sight… It’s just a feast for the senses. So finding something in a deep rich brown was incredibly easy for me.

Cream Cardi Peach Blouse Brown Skirt and Brown Boots {Living Outside the Stacks}

I wasn’t sure about the boots but I thought wearing the black ones would be a little too heavy. And, well, you know, fashion is all about taking risks, right?

What was the last fashion risk you took? 

I’m linking up with:

Please check them out for more fashion inspiration.

Daenel T