Once again, my friend Bobbi at Librarian by Day is coordinating the Library Day in the Life Project. The Library Day in the Life Project is a semi~annual librarian and library worker share fest. In other words, librarians and library workers from all over the world (and I do mean all over the world) share a day or a week in their lives with each other. It’s a chance to exchange ideas, share projects and talk about the different jobs within libraries.
I’ve participated in the Library Day in the Life Project whenever I’ve had the opportunity because I believe deeply that libraries provide vital services for the communities they serve. Even when I’m not working at a library, I support the mission of libraries by encouraging people to develop a love of life long learning. If you’ve ever wondered what librarians do or asked the question, “You go to college for this?”, you definitely need to check out the Library Day in the Life Project.
For my blogging friends, please take the time to read theĀ blogs, like the Facebook page or view the flickr stream of the librarians who are participating in Library Day in the Life. You can also follow the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #libday8. This is your chance to get a “behind the scenes” look at what it takes to make your library run. You’ll learn that being a librarian is more than checking out books. Librarians are on the cutting edge of technology, they’re innovators who work hard to make sure that you have access to information in its various forms.
For my library friends, this is an opportunity for you to escape the echo chamber and reach a new audience. Many parenting/book bloggers are passionate users of library services (just check out this post at Houseful of Nicholes) and they understand that their voices carry weight. Talk to them, explain to them the services that your libraries provide and how those services will be impacted by budget cuts. Don’t stress how your library does more with less, stress how your library will do less with less.
Library Day in the Life Project will run from 30 January to 5 February.