Every time I look at this picture I’m struck by two thoughts:
- I crossed the finished line!
- My girls were right, I need to work on my runner’s face
I remember that day so well… I was incredibly nervous as I made my way to the starting line. Part of me wanted to throw up run back to the car and tell The Hubs to get me out of there as fast as he could. Who was I that I thought I could get out there with all of those runners? They were real athletes, I just played one on my blog. I was an imposter. A poser. A fake.
But it was too late to turn around, the race had started. I said a prayer and started mentally chanting: “I think I can. I think I can.” I needed to drown out the negative thoughts. I needed to encourage myself. But something else started to happen…
The support was coming from external sources. I started noticing white signs with Bible verses and words of encouragement posted along the race route. As I ran, I focused less on the distance covered and more on the next sign to read. It was like someone was speaking directly to me. Then I started hearing voices around me cheering. As runners passed me, they held out their hands to give me high fives, some patted me on the shoulders, others yelled: “Keep going” or “You can do it”. I was able to run the first 1.5 miles nonstop.
That’s when I noticed that many of the people who were offering words of encouragement were wearing t~shirts that read “Run for God”. I knew then that I wanted to be a part of that group.
And last night, I did just that. I registered to train for a 5K with Run for God Cape Girardeau. As I sat through the informational meeting, I wanted to stand up and cheer. I wanted to tell the people sitting around me how I felt on race day. How much it meant to me that some of the people standing around the room had cheered for me last year. I wanted them to know that they could do it because I did it. But I sat in my chair and smiled.
Miss 17 attended the meeting with me. I saw her smile as she watched the video of last year’s participants. I listened to her laugh as Run for God leader, Scott McQuay, made a joke. I sat silently as she read through the release forms, book information, and t~shirt prices…
On the way home, Miss 17 said she wanted to run it with me. Can you say mother~daughter bonding? I cannot wait to see her “Run Face” when we cross that finish line!