This has been one beautiful weekend. The weather was gorgeous. So gorgeous, in fact, that I conned talked the hubs into driving me down to the Water Front so I could take some pictures.

I needed a landscape picture for 52 Weeks: 2012 Edition, so I pointed my camera at the Mississippi River and started shooting…

Mississippi River

Isn’t it beautiful? Sometimes I like to go down there during the day and just sit and watch the water. It’s a nice way to just sit back and relax, ya know?


Someone on the Water Front is pretty artistic, they took the time to paint those bricks and then discarded them on the side of the street. I wonder what they were for?

Buildings Along the Water Front

See those buildings? When I was a kid I had a lot of dreams, one was to be a reporter and the other was to live in a loft apartment with exposed brick on the interior. If my kids were out of the house, I’d beg the hubs to rent a spot for us here. I know they look run down, but they’re part of the historic revitalization project so it has a lot of potential.

What’s your dream home? Is it a cottage on the beach? A farm out in the country? Leave a comment telling me where you’d like to live.