Last week’s prompt for the 52 Week Project: 2012 Edition was “advertisement”. The idea was to take a picture that made viewers want to “get in line to get what you got”. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to capture until I happened to be at McDonald’s eating a Strawberry Cream Pie.
As all of my family and friends know, I’m a big fan of the McDonald’s Peach PieĀ Seriously, have you ever had one before? It’s beyond delish but I’d never had the Strawberry and Cream pie before but one bite and I was like Oh, yeah, this is it! So I quickly bought another pie I truly suffer for my art ran home and started snapping away.
What you see above is the final shot with the addition of a color palette. So, what do you think, does it make you wanna get in line for a pie?
You can see the rest of my submissions to the 52 Week Project: 2012 Edition by going here.